4567 Green Broccoli

A green, cruciferous vegetable popular for its numerous health benefits and culinary uses.

PLU Code 4567

Details about Green Broccoli

Also known as Broccolini, Broccoflower, Calabrese

Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It's high in fiber and has anti-inflammatory properties.

The Cancer-Fighting Crucifer


For a 100-gram serving of green broccoli, the nutrition facts are as follows:

energy is approximately 34 kilocalories,

carbohydrates are 6.6 grams,

protein is 2.5 grams,

fat is 0.4 grams,

dietary fiber is 2.6 grams.

It is an excellent source of vitamin C with 89.2 milligrams per 100 grams,

also rich in vitamin K with 92 micrograms per 100 grams,

contains 101 milligrams of potassium,

and provides 55 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams.


Cool, high humidity storage conditions to prevent decay

Storage conditions:
  • Temperature: 0°C to 5°C
  • Humidity: 80% to 90%

Regular monitoring of temperature, humidity and respiration rate is recommended to ensure optimal shelf life


Breathable packaging to prevent moisture buildup

Shelf life

7 to 14 days

Category: Vegetables
Also known as: Broccolini, Broccoflower, Calabrese
Origin: Native to the Mediterranean region and Asia minor, but widely cultivated in North America, Europe, and Australia.

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