3159 White Grapefruit

A hybrid species of citrus fruit known for its sweet-tart flavor and segmented interior, typically pale yellow or white in color.

Details about White Grapefruit

Also known as White Marsh Seedless, Pomelo, Grapefruit

White Grapefruits are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and contain antioxidants. They are best consumed fresh, juiced, or in marmalades. Store at 10-15°C with high humidity to prolong shelf life.

Tart yet sweet citrus bliss


White Grapefruit is low in calories and rich in nutrients. Here are the nutrition facts for White Grapefruit,

100 grams of White Grapefruit contains 42 calories, 0.1 gram of fat, 9 milligrams of sodium, 100 milligrams of potassium, 9 grams of carbohydrates, 2.3 grams of fibre, 7 grams of sugars, 0.9 grams of protein, 19 milligrams of vitamin C, 10 milligrams of calcium, 20 milligrams of magnesium, 0.4 milligrams of iron.


Keep cool and humid, with protection from direct sunlight

Storage conditions:
  • Temperature: 14 - 16°C (57 - 61°F)
  • Humidity: 80 - 90%

Avoid freezing temperatures and temperature fluctuations, maintain ventilation to prevent ethylene buildup


Breathable containers, shading from direct sunlight

Shelf life

28 - 42 days

Category: Fruits
Also known as: White Marsh Seedless, Pomelo, Grapefruit
Origin: Southeast Asia and the southeastern United States

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