4493 Grapefruits

A tangy and flavorful citrus fruit known for its large size and vibrant color, with a sweet-tart taste that is often eaten fresh or used in juices and marmalades.

Details about Grapefruits

Also known as Chapaya, Pomelo ruby, Zafra

The Ruby Red grapefruit variety is a popular type, but the Pink and Ray Ruby varieties also offer unique taste and color profiles.

Nature's candy with a tangy twist


One hundred grams of Ruby/Red/Pink grapefruit contains approximately 42 calories, 1.7 grams of protein, 0.1 grams of fat, and 9.2 grams of carbohydrates. It is also a good source of dietary fiber, with 1.1 grams per 100 grams. Additionally, grapefruits are high in vitamins A and C, containing 115 micrograms of vitamin A and 36 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams. They also provide potassium with 127 milligrams, calcium with 12 milligrams, and iron with 0.2 milligrams per 100 grams.


Store in cool, well-ventilated area to maintain optimal freshness and prevent decay

Storage conditions:
  • Temperature: 32°F - 50°F (0°C - 10°C)
  • Humidity: 85 - 90%

Ethylene production is moderate, and sensitivity to ethylene is low. Avoid storing with high ethylene-producing fruits.


Ventilated crates, bins or containers to maintain humidity and prevent moisture buildup

Shelf life

30 - 60 days

Category: Fruits
Also known as: Chapaya, Pomelo ruby, Zafra
Origin: Southeast Asia, now cultivated worldwide in subtropical and tropical regions

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