4545 Turnip

A root vegetable belonging to the mustard family, turnips are crunchy and sweet with a delicate, slightly peppery flavor, often eaten raw, boiled, or mashed.

PLU Code 4545

Details about Turnip

Also known as navette, rutabaga, Shogi, lauzis

Turnips are rich in vitamins and minerals, with high levels of vitamins C and K. They can be stored for several months by keeping them cool and humid.

A crunchy and versatile root vegetable with numerous nutritional benefits


Nutrition facts for Turnip

One medium turnip, approximately 100g, contains

Energy 28 kcal

Carbohydrates 6.2g

Fiber 2.0g

Sugar 1.8g

Fat 0.2g

Protein 0.9g

Sodium 67mg

Potassium 291mg

Vitamin C 26.6mg

Vitamin K 0.1mcg

Folate 18mcg


Maintain consistent high humidity and cold temperature to prolong storage life

Storage conditions:
  • Temperature: 32°F - 40°F (0°C - 4°C)
  • Humidity: 80-90%

Avoid exposure to ethylene-producing fruits, as this can stimulate sprouting and spoilage.


Crates or bags that allow for ventilation to maintain humidity and prevent moisture accumulation

Shelf life

Up to 2-5 months

Category: Vegetables
Also known as: navette, rutabaga, Shogi, lauzis
Origin: Asia, specifically China

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