4220 Soursop

A tropical fruit known for its vibrant green, scaly skin and sweet, slightly acidic pulp, surrounding a cluster of largish, black seeds

Details about Soursop

Also known as Guanabana, Graviola, Anona, Prickly Custard Apple

Soursop is rich in vitamins and minerals, has numerous health benefits and is used in traditional medicines

A deliciously refreshing tropical superfruit


Soursop is a nutrient-rich fruit that provides several essential vitamins and minerals. Here are some key nutrition facts for soursop:

Per 100 grams serving of soursop pulp

Energy 66 kcal

Carbohydrates 16.84 grams

Fiber 3.3 grams

Protein 1 gram

Fat 0.7 grams

Water content 81.1 grams

Sodium 14 milligrams

Potassium 432 milligrams

Magnesium 24 milligrams

Phosphorus 30 milligrams

Copper 0.2 milligrams

Vitamin C 20.6 milligrams

Vitamin B1 0.14 milligrams

Vitamin B2 0.07 milligrams

Vitamin B3 0.5 milligrams

Folate 14.3 micrograms


Optimal storage conditions should prevent moisture loss and chilling injury, maintaining freshness and quality.

Storage conditions:
  • Temperature: 10°C - 15°C
  • Humidity: 85% - 95%

High sensitivity to ethylene production, so avoid proximity to ethylene-producing fruits to prolong shelf life.


Ventilated, breathable containers to maintain humidity and prevent moisture accumulation. Handle with care to avoid bruising.

Shelf life

3 - 5 days

Category: Fruits
Also known as: Guanabana, Graviola, Anona, Prickly Custard Apple
Origin: Native to the Americas and the Caribbean

Gedank Rayze

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