3304 Loganberries

A sweet-tart, dark-red hybrid berry of raspberry and blackberry, known for its rich flavor and firm texture, suitable for eating fresh, baking, and making jams.

Details about Loganberries

Also known as Logans, Logan's Raspberry-Blackberry

Loganberries originated from an accidental cross-pollination of a blackberry and a raspberry plant in the garden of James Harvey Logan in California, USA.

Taste the sweet union of raspberry and blackberry


Loganberries are a good source of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Here are the key nutrition facts for loganberries:

Per 100 grams of loganberries

Serving size: 100g

Energy: 44 kilocalories

Carbohydrates: 9.8 grams

Dietary fiber: 5.3 grams

Sugars: 4.3 grams

Protein: 0.9 grams

Fat: 0.2 grams


Vitamin C: 21.8 milligrams

Vitamin K: 9.8 micrograms

Folate: 14.8 micrograms

Riboflavin (B2): 0.03 milligrams

Niacin (B3): 0.3 milligrams


Potassium: 148 milligrams

Manganese: 0.4 milligrams

Magnesium: 19 milligrams

Iron: 0.6 milligrams

Copper: 0.1 milligrams


Store in cool, moist environment. High temperature and low humidity can cause spoilage and dehydration.

Storage conditions:
  • Temperature: -1°C to 0°C
  • Humidity: 85-95%

Handle gently to avoid bruising. Regular quality checks recommended due to high perishability.


Ventilated, moisture-proof containers or cartons with adequate cushioning to prevent damage.

Shelf life

7-10 days

Category: Fruits
Also known as: Logans, Logan's Raspberry-Blackberry
Origin: California, USA

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