Details about Blackberries
Also known as Rubus, Bramble
They belong to the rose family and are a hybrid of raspberry and black raspberry. Blackberries are rich in vitamins C and K, and are also high in fiber and antioxidants.
A delicate and nutritious summer delight.
Blackberries are low in calories and rich in nutrients. They are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins C and K, and minerals such as manganese. Here are the nutrition facts for blackberries per 100 grams serving size: energy 43 kcal, protein 1.5 grams, fat 0.7 grams, carbohydrates 9.6 grams, fiber 5.3 grams, sugar 4.3 grams, sodium 1 milligram, potassium 162 milligrams, vitamin C 23.4 milligrams, vitamin K 28 micrograms.
Blackberries require cool and humid storage conditions to maintain their freshness and prevent spoilage.
Storage conditions:- Temperature: 32°F (0°C) to 32°F (0°C)
- Humidity: 80% to 90%
Avoid washing before storage, and maintain gentle handling to prevent bruises and damage.
Breathable package or clamshell container
Shelf life
3 to 7 days