4521 Asparagus

A popular and nutritious vegetable, valued for its tender shoots and delicate flavor

Details about Asparagus

Also known as Sparrow grass, Asperges

A low-calorie vegetable with high water content, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, often steamed or roasted to preserve its crunch and flavor

Nature's edible spear, bursting with flavor and nutrients


Asparagus is a nutrient-rich vegetable, low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals. One serving of cooked asparagus, approximately 125g, contains 20 kcal of energy.

It is an excellent source of vitamin C with 19.2 milligrams or about 32 percent of the recommended daily intake, and vitamin K with 67.7 micrograms or about 85 percent of the daily recommended intake. It also contains considerable amounts of vitamin B6, folate, and thiamine.

Asparagus is rich in minerals including potassium, with 236 milligrams or 6 percent of the daily recommended intake, and manganese, 202 milligrams or 10 percent of the daily intake. It is a good source of dietary fiber with 2.8g per serving.

In terms of its macronutrient composition, it is low in fat with 0.2g and has 3.3g of protein per serving. The total carbohydrate content is 2.9g, with the majority being non-digestible fiber.


High humidity and cold storage conditions are required to maintain freshness and prevent spoilage. Sensitive to ethylene production

Storage conditions:
  • Temperature: 31-32°F (-0.5-0°C)
  • Humidity: 80-90%

Handle with care to prevent damage. Maintaining a consistent refrigerator temperature and high humidity is crucial to extend shelf life.


Breathable packaging or wrapped in plastic to prevent moisture loss, packed loosely to prevent crushing

Shelf life

14-21 days

Category: Vegetables
Also known as: Sparrow grass, Asperges
Origin: Native to Europe, Western Asia and North Africa, now widely cultivated in many parts of the world

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