3017 Conference Pear

Conference Pear is a popular and sought-after pear variety known for its sweet and juicy flesh.

Details about Conference Pear

Also known as Commission, Bosc, Williams' Bon Chrétien

Conference Pears have a long, slender neck and a rounded body, with a smooth skin that turns from green to yellow as they ripen.

Sweet and juicy, a classic pear variety.


Conference Pear is a nutrient-rich fruit providing several essential vitamins and minerals. The approximate nutrition facts for 100 grams of Conference Pear are as follows:

Energy 57 kcal

Carbohydrates 13.7 grams consisting of sugar 9.2 grams and dietary fibre 4.4 grams

Protein 0.6 grams

Fat 0.1 grams

Vitamin C 3 milligrams

Potassium 116 milligrams

Folate 6 micrograms

Copper 0.1 milligrams

Manganese 0.1 milligrams


Store in a cold and humid environment to maintain quality and extend shelf life

Storage conditions:
  • Temperature: 0-1°C (32-34°F)
  • Humidity: 80-85%

Conference pears are typically harvested mature but unripe. A short period of ripening at 15-20°C (59-68°F) may be required prior to sale. Ethylene production should be controlled through the use of ethylene-absorbing materials or scrubbers to maintain quality.


Ventilated crates, boxes or bags to maintain humidity and prevent moisture accumulation

Shelf life

4-6 months

Category: Fruits
Also known as: Commission, Bosc, Williams' Bon Chrétien
Origin: Conference Pears originated in England and are now grown in many parts of the world, including Europe, the US, and South America.

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