Details about Lady Williams Apples
Also known as Lady in Red, Lady William
With a long shelf life and excellent storage ability, Lady Williams Apples are a favorite among consumers and suppliers alike. They're grown in many parts of the world, predominantly in the Southern Hemisphere.
A gem of an apple variety, perfect for snacking and salads.
Lady Williams Apples are a sweet and crunchy variety of apples with the following nutrition facts per 100 grams serving they contain 52 calories 12 grams of carbohydrates 8 grams of sugar 2 grams of dietary fiber 0.2 grams of protein 25 milligrams of potassium 150 milligrams of phosphorus 0.4 milligrams of iron and small amounts of other essential vitamins and minerals
Cold storage with precise temperature and humidity control to slow down ethylene production and maintain quality
Storage conditions:- Temperature: 0°C to 4°C
- Humidity: 80% to 90%
Monitor for decay, check ripeness regularly, and maintain a clean storage environment to prevent spoilage.
Ventilated packaging or controlled atmosphere containers
Shelf life
9 to 12 months