4378 Peaches

Juicy and sweet, peaches are a delight of the summer season, with tender skin and velvety flesh, rich in nutrients and antioxidants.

PLU Code 4378

Details about Peaches

Also known as Nectarine

Tree-ripened peaches are picked at full maturity to ensure optimal sugar content and flavor. Yellow-fleshed peaches are considered sweeter and softer than white-fleshed varieties.

Ripened to Perfection


Peaches are a nutrient-rich fruit low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. One medium-sized peach, approximately 150 grams, contains:

Energy 51 kcal

Protein 0.9 grams

Fat 0.3 grams

Carbohydrates 13.4 grams

Fiber 2.5 grams

Sugar 8.6 grams

Sodium 0.5 milligrams

Potassium 285 milligrams

Vitamin A 397 IU

Vitamin C 6.6 milligrams

Vitamin E 0.7 milligrams

Vitamin K 3.7 micrograms

Folate 10.4 micrograms


Cool and humid environment, preventing moisture accumulation, to maintain quality and extend shelf life

Storage conditions:
  • Temperature: 0°C to 5°C (32°F to 41°F)
  • Humidity: 80% to 90%

Tree-ripened fruits are more susceptible to spoilage, so handling and storage conditions must be optimal


Ventilated boxes or containers to prevent moisture buildup

Shelf life

5 to 21 days, depending on ripeness at harvest

Category: Fruits
Also known as: Nectarine
Origin: Native to China and the Himalayas, peaches are now cultivated worldwide in temperate climates, with major production countries including the USA, China, Italy, and Spain.

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