Details about Artichoke
Also known as Artichoke thistle, Cardoon
Purple artichokes are considered to be among the sweetest and tenderest variety. They require a cool, moist environment and careful handling to preserve their quality.
A delicious and nutritious edible flower
Artichoke, specifically the purple variety, is rich in nutrients and has several health benefits. It is a good source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Here are the key nutrition facts for artichoke per 100g serving.
Energy: 47 kcal
Water: 81.5g
Protein: 3.3g
Fat: 0.5g
Carbohydrates: 11.2g
Fiber: 7.2g
Sugar: 0.5g
Sodium: 20mg
Potassium: 370mg
Vitamin A: 14microg
Vitamin C: 4.3mg
Vitamin E: 0.7mg
Vitamin K: 14.8microg
Folate: 89microg
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin): 0.07mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 0.06mg
Magnesium: 20mg
Phosphorus: 66mg
Manganese: 0.3mg
Copper: 0.33mg
Store in high humidity, store away from direct sunlight, cool temperatures and maintain circulation to prolong quality
Storage conditions:- Temperature: 32°F - 40°F (0°C - 4°C)
- Humidity: 90-95%
Excessive moisture can cause decay, leaf tips will turn brown at storage temperatures below 32°F
Crate or carton to prevent moisture
Shelf life
1-4 weeks